These words and word combos could unpack a story of how Northwoods Church is part of the gospel going throughout Northwest Tallahassee, Leon County, and ultimately the world. You can unpack the stories of Lori Jackson ministering to orphans and displaced families in war-torn Ukraine. You could hear from the Wirgaus about ministering to foreign language students at Florida State. You can learn about the 320 babies rescued from abortion as part of the ministry of A Women's Pregnancy Center or the 93 parents who were born again through that ministry. Through FCA and Child Evangelism Fellowship, you could be inspired by the stories of Gospel-Centered clubs in Leon County Schools. Our hearts could be stirred by reports of the gospel going to places like Africa, Nicaragua, and The Dominican Republic. Coaches, families, and players at Godby High could give you stories of the 'one decent meal' many of them received during the week during Northwoods pre-game ministry. You would be greatly encouraged to hear stories of Florida Baptists Disaster Relief being among the first on-site when Hurricane Ian ravaged southwest Florida. The Northwoods staff could tell stories of ministry among families, kids, youth, college students, and senior adults. You could hear stories of Camp Crosspoint of kids & teens coming to Christ during their camps and many of our students being built up in their faith by ministry opportunities. Many of you have experienced ministry specific to women and men. We are all blessed each Sunday as we are led in worship by gifted musicians using their gifts to glorify the name of Jesus. All of these stories are, in part, made possible because of your generosity.
You may not realize that a large percentage of our budget is received in the year's final month. This year as we enter into the last month of 2022, we have two goals.
1) Finish 2022 on Mission - Lottie Moon Christmas Offering $5,000
Lottie Moon was a missionary to China. She began writing back to the churches in the United States, urging them to give to missions because of the great need for the gospel. 100% of gifts to the Lottie Moon Christmas offering go to foreign missions through the Southern Baptist Convention.
2) Finish 2022 on Mission in the Positive - $69,000
We have an excellent opportunity to finish 2022 with our revenues meeting our expenses. Finishing in the positive will be a reality if we receive $69,000 in tithes and offerings before the end of the year. For some perspective, Northwoods members and attendees gave $76,308.48 last December.
Thank you for being a part of these stories about the impact of the gospel here and worldwide. Here is what we ask each Northwoods member and regular attender to do. Prayerfully review and consider your giving in 2022. For some, this may mean it is time to join the story. You may not have yet established the discipline of regular giving to the church. Would you consider taking that leap of faith and generosity with what God has blessed you with? For some, it may be a time of stretching and asking God to increase our generosity. Would you be willing to open your heart and ask God, "What Would You Have Me do"?
To participate in the Finish 2022 on Mission Offering, give as you usually would and put "Finish On Mission" on the memo line. If giving online, select the "Finish the Mission" fund. The first $5,000 will go toward the Lottie Moon Christmas offering. If you'd like to give exclusively to the Lottie Moon offering, you can put "Lottie Moon" on the memo line or online choose the "Lottie Moon" fund.
Thank you, Northwoods, for your generosity. Your generosity is a tribute to your passion for Jesus, His church, and the gospel. I am grateful for each one of you. I pray you all experience a blessed and wonderful Thanksgiving.
Pastor Todd