The elders and the pastor search team are excited to announce that Pastor Todd Sapp has been overwhelmingly confirmed by the church body as our lead pastor! We are grateful to God for the spirit of unity and peace that has prevailed during this transition time, for His guidance through the process of seeking His will for our new pastor, and for God’s gift to us, a pastor who we know to be faithful to the Lord and to His Word, a man who already knows and loves us as his church family.
We look forward to what God is going to accomplish in and through Northwoods in the days and years ahead. May we display His glory in true worship and in making disciples in our community and around the world!
Praise God from Whom all blessings flow!
Biblical Prayers for the Congregation
1. Pray the pastor search period will be a time the church learns to seek God Himself more than just a new pastor. Lord, teach us to draw closer to Jesus and trust Him as the true head of the Church. (Jeremiah 29:13; James 4:8)
2. Pray for a powerful move of congregational cleansing and renewal. Father, please cause this to be a time of deep healing, cleansing, and renewal in our church. (Psalms 66:18; 139:23-24)
3. Pray for strong consistency and focus in the present ministry of the church. Please grant great power to our interim pastor and to our staff. Protect us from any spirit of lukewarmness or losing our first love. Remind us that we serve Jesus, not a pastor. (Revelation 2:1-4; 3:15)
4. Pray for a miraculous sense of love and unity among all members of the church. Help us surrender all bitterness, division, and anger within our church family. Lord, empower us to love one another with patient, forbearing love. (John 13:34; 17:21)
5. Pray that we will patiently await God’s timing and settle for nothing less than His perfect will. Ask God for His mercy in giving us a true man of God and a great leader. (Hebrews 6:12)
6. Pray that we are prepared to make the necessary changes to embrace a new day of ministry. Lord, we understand that a new pastor always means changes. Help us to be prepared to change and grow with graciousness and unity. (Ephesians 4: 1-6)
7. Pray for great unity in calling the new pastor. Lord, help us to receive he and his family with deep love and renewed commitment. Grant to us a powerful sense of revival and spiritual awakening as we move into the future. Pray for grace, guidance, and strength for the church from which our new pastor came. (John 17:21; 1 Corinthians 1:10)
Biblical Prayers for the Pastor Search Team
1. Pray for deep spiritual cleansing and fullness of the Holy Spirit in each team member. (Psalms 66:18; John 15:5; Ephesians 5:18)
2. Pray for keen supernatural discernment, wisdom, and strength for the team chairman. (Matthew 15:14)
3. Pray for powerful unity and oneness of spirit within the team. (Amos 3:3; Matthew 18:19)
4. Pray for God’s clear direction in how resumes’ are collected, examined, and interviews conducted. Ask God to bring the right person to the attention of the team. (Proverbs 14:12; Isaiah 55:8-9)
5. Pray for the team to have God’s wisdom in all the questions and information they share with the prospective pastor. Spirit-led thoroughness is essential! (1 Corinthians 2:10-16)
6. Pray for the team to have supernatural wisdom as to the unique characteristic and traits most needed for our church.
7. Pray for the team to have no timetable but God’s. They must be determined to find God’s perfect will in God’s perfect time. (Ephesians 5:17)
8. Pray for the future pastor and his family to have absolute certainty in their sense of call to our church. (He must know he has God’s direction.)
9. Pray for the prevention of Satan’s influence in misleading or rushing the search team. (One of Satan’s wiles is deception.) Pray for a powerful hedge of protection around the committee and their families.
10. Pray for God’s guidance in how the future pastor is presented to the church. Pray for the church to have supernatural unity in his call to our church. (1 Corinthians 1:10; Acts 2:1) Pray for God’s strength and guidance in the pastor’s former church.
Pastor Search Team Members:
Chairman: Lisa Myrick
Co-Chair: Alicia Morey
Secretary: Gail Kuder
Elder Rep: Kevin Harvin
Deacon Rep: Carl Vinson
Members: Laura Cable, Brandon Jett, Rob Longshore, Evan Stokley
Alternates: Terri Christiano, Michael Green