Congregational Meeting: June 28th 5:30 pm

Please read the following carefully and watch the video at the bottom of this page. If you have additional input or questions please join us for a Q&A session that will take place in the Joy Dome, Wednesday from 6:00-6:30 pm.

The following items for discussion and voting. Please see the video at the bottom of this page for additional details. If you have any questions about any item please feel free to contact us in any of the following ways:

1) Attend a Q & A session in the dome on Wednesday, June 24th from 6-6:30 pm.

2) Email any comments or questions to any of the following:

Pastor Ross:

Pastor Robbin:

Pastor Todd:


If you’d like to call a Pastor Direct please contact the church office at 850-562-1188 and we will provide you with those numbers as well.

Thanks you for your prayerful consideration of each of these items.

1) Name change, logo, and website

Recommendation to change the name from Northwoods Baptist Church to Northwoods Church Tallahassee.

a) In our church’s life cycle, we are an established church that has been in multiple 10-year averages of decline (i.e. 2004-2014, 2005-2015, etc.). This indicates that our church needs a strong Revitalization vision. God has been good over the last several months and we have a strong, faithful membership. With these strengths, we still have the platform and opportunity for fresh vision and the base to move forward to the Glory of God in finding new, effective ways of engaging our community as an established church. Hundreds of churches in the same circumstance across the country are currently making strong Revitalization attempts to reach the culture in which they are placed. Name changes are often associated with this Revitalization process.  

b) Both the Barna Research and the Rainer Research Group’s findings have indicated that Millennial families look unfavorably upon denominationalism. Though we are absolutely NOT recommending a change away from being a Southern Baptist Church, we do see the research that indicates that Millennial families are less likely to visit a church with the denominational affiliation in the name of the church. Large percentages of SBC churches that are being planted and successful at reaching the young families in our culture are no longer including the denominational affiliation in their names. We don’t have to look beyond our own city to see the impact of this.  

In a recent interview, Thom Rainer (retired CEO of LifeWay Christian Bookstore and church growth coach) explains, " 

Rainer: "The church has quite a challenge, and I’m speaking of local congregations, not the universal Church. Local churches in the United States have a twofold challenge. Challenge number one is to reach millennials who are unreached—if our numbers are right, roughly 85 percent. That’s an incredible mission field, and that’s an incredible challenge. 

Similarly, the church has the great challenge of reaching Christian millennials because most churches are not engaging them. When a Christian millennial walks in and says, “This church is irrelevant,” it is not because they’re antagonistic, not because they’re indifferent, but because they look at this church and see it’s so inwardly focused." 

WE MUST be found faithful in looking outward and intentionally engaging and reaching Millennials. This is one of our city’s greatest mission fields/population segments. Speaking in election year terms, in 2020 the Millennials now represent (for the first time) the largest voting demographic in the United States. If we are to reach our culture, we must be intentional about reaching Millennials. They will shape (and are already shaping) the future of our churches, culture, and country.

 Northwoods Church is a Southern Baptist Church that exists to reach our area with the Gospel, to disciple believers, to support missions and to build the Kingdom of God through evangelistic efforts both locally and globally. This MUST be a primary pursuit for our consideration in accomplishing this task for God’s glory. 

2) Consideration of beginning Northwoods Christian Preschool.

Our feasibility team of Alicia Longshore, Erica Palmere and Kevin Harvin have worked for several months in helping determine the feasibility and gauging the level of need in our area for a new preschool. They have done a fantastic job!  

The findings of the team are that our local preschools and daycares are full and have been rejecting new applicants. We are also in a growing community with new subdivisions and homes being built--with increasing demand for Preschool services. There is currently no preschool located off of the Capital Circle NW. Because of these findings, the Feasibility Team made a recommendation to our Elders to begin a preschool. 

 In the first year, the recommendation is to simply start with 15-20 children with the goal of focusing on 2 and 3-year-old children.


The Elders and Stewardship Teams have approved the initial funds already dedicated for startup fees. No new monies will need to be voted on.


Monie have been donated to provide shade and a water fountain for the childrens’ play area to be in compliance with Florida League of Christian Schools accreditation.

3) We will also be voting on calling Ken Schaldenbrand to be our Children’s Director.

He spoke to the Kidz Connect in March and they enjoyed him.  He has also given his testimony to the entire congregation.  The Elders of the church have voted and approved of Ken to be presented to the church as the candidate for this position. 

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to message me on Facebook, text me, email me or give me a call on my cell phone or at the office. Your questions are appreciated.  

I am so thankful to pastor such a wonderful church and I look forward to ALL of the great things that God has in store for us!

Sola Deo Gloria!

W. Ross Kilpatrick

Lead Pastor, Northwoods Church