Dear Northwoods Family,
As many of you know, Northwood’s Lori Jackson is currently ministering in Western Ukraine helping to find shelter and help for those who are displaced by the war. She has ministered to and served with many of these people for years. For some, this is their second time going through this as they were displaced during the previous war in 2014. Let's commit together as her church family to be in continuous prayer for her and the people of Ukraine. In addition, as you can imagine, there is a tremendous expense to living disconnected from your home. At the bottom of this email we will include ways you can help Lori and her Ukrainian family financially.
The following update is the latest from Lori:
Prayer requests other than the obvious - peace: - fuel for people trying to flee west. Gas stations are running out. Food, medicine other basic needs for people still in Kyiv as the infrastructure is falling apart, for our friends at the border - sent another mom and four kids today. Have others heading that way tomorrow. For strength for Zelenskiy who has led so well but hasn’t slept in days, for Roma - a grad we know who is in the army. He was in the battle in Kherson and is ok (physically) right now but we worry about him constantly, for my Slavik who called me from Kyiv saying he doesn’t know where to go - I tried to give him some ideas and contacts but haven’t heard from him since because he doesn’t have a phone, my girls still in Kyiv and their families - Veronika, Lena, Natasha and Ira, families on the road, those waiting at the borders, for us to continue to have communication and access to food, water, electricity, money. For Zhenya, one of Seva’s best friends from our transition home who decided he wants to enlist in the army. He and Bogdan (Dad) are talking it through today and he will make a final decision.
Having worship right now. We sang a song called Prayer for Ukraine and my Natasha - mom of the two little boys - who spent most of the summer of 2014 in a basement to be safe from the shelling then just broke down. We hugged and prayed and cried.
Lori and her friends sing, “Prayer for Ukraine”
All of Ukraine is singing...I love these people.
A Prayer for Ukraine Lyrics:
May my prayer flow to you like incense sweet to you, my Lord, and may my heart without ceasing sing praises to my gracious God.
Merciful God, we pray for the people. Merciful God, we pray for Ukraine. Save us from sin and forgive. Your grace to the people reveal. Merciful God, I know you’ll take me into your glorious heavenly temple. You gave us joy, peace from above. You died for the people you love. Put their names to the book of life.
You gave the way, truth and life in your eternal living word so that all people prayed to the one who was crucified and shed His blood.
Two of My Girls Made It Today!
If you would like to help with these expenses you can do that in any of these ways:
Directly to Lori: Zelle or PayPal -
Check: Make Checks Out to Northwoods Church and put Ukraine in the memo
Online: and choose the “Ukraine” fund
I know Lori finds great strength in knowing she has so many friends and family praying for her daily. Thank you all for your diligence in this.
Pastor Todd